
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Screen time should be limited to 1 hour per day.

 Hello Everyone! Today I did some writing about how Screen time should be limited to 1 hour per day.

There is not  much to explain so here's my work.Do you agree or disagree with me and why?

Screen time should be limited to 1 hour per day

Screen time should be limited to 1 hour per day. The reason why I agree with this is because If we have too much screen time e.g: More than 3 hours, Could hurt your eyes badly and could cause some serious disabilities like colour blindness or even blindness! We should have 1-3 hours per day,I think more than that is really bad.My screen time is usually 1-2 hours per day, but I am not allowed to watch 1-2 hours per day at one single time, I have to watch it in chunks of time. If you like to watch your screen and you don’t have a time limit get some blue light glasses.These kind of glasses aren’t like any kind of normal glasses,these are blue light glasses,these glasses help your eyes protect themselves from blue light,blue light is projected from technologies like i-pads,phones etc.Blue light could really hurt your eyesight and as I said earlier it could make you colour blind or make you you blind, but is there a a way to get rid of blue light from our phones and i-pads? Well,No. Well,Not yet. Scientists are still trying to find a way to get rid of it. 

By Nitya 😁😁😁


1 comment:

  1. namasta Nitya I am Sneha. I disagree because when we watch TV too much our eyes wil be damage.So Hope you like the Idea. Thanks


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