
Tuesday, August 11, 2020


 Hello everyone! Are you guys happy? Well, I hope you are! Today for reading my group,the Willy Wonkas were learning to visualise! Visulising is when you listen to a story and picture what's happening and how it looks like in your head! Today My group and I had a slide show each,each slide had a sound,we had to picture in our head what we heard and put a image of what we pictured in our head! Some of them were really loud like slide 1 and slide 9! Here's what I did:

Pengie the baby penguin

 Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about my cute stuff toy,Pengie! (I'm also sorry for not posting in a while....) I made somthing to make you buy Pengie,BUT PENGIE IS NOT FOR SAIL UNDERSTAND!? THIS IS JUST A ADVERTISEMENT,DO NOT COME TO MY HOUSE AND PENGIE FROM ME ok? :) He he he... well let just show you what I did now....